Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Message on a Cup

So, I've got a couple of cups to blog. The first came in on Saturday, but I was busy with the family visiting.

"If you don't ask for it, you will never get what it is you want".

So true. Please, Amber, can I have a lottery ticket with the winning six numbers on it?

And then another one from this morning...

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't look out, you just might miss it!"

Chloe, my niece, is living proof of this. I'm glad I'm back.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Grinding Gears

So here's another gear-grinder.

This one's a long-standing grind.

Facebook seems to have no sense of geography. For example, it thinks that Skegness, Lincolnshire is in Norfolk. Now, OK, as the crow flies, Skegness is not that far from Norfolk, but seriously?

And as if that one boob wasn't enough, my hometown of Bolsover is in Nottinghamshire.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bargain Time!

Whilst I was over in the US, I regularly called in at a friends house. They've got a Wii, and also had Guitar Hero III. I got into it, and decided that when I got back to the UK, I'd have to buy a set.

Well, I thought, how much are they? It turns out that they're quite expensive-ish. So I thought I'd look around for a really good deal.

On the off chance, I called into "Game" yesterday, in Chesterfield, and they had got an exchanged pack in. Guitar Hero III, complete with guitar, used three or four times, and complete. Price? £14.99.

I'll have that, thanks :-)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Grinding Gears

A new feature? We'll see. For now it's just one thing.

What's grinding my gears today? Toilet Paper.

Quite simply, can someone please invent a toilet roll that never runs out? Please? Anyone?

I had a near miss today.... Done the deed only to realise that there is only a piffling amount of toilet paper left on the roll, and no more rolls left on the roll stand. Luckily there was just enough, and the day was saved, but it was close...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

In Memory

Dedicated to the 2,977 people that lost their lives in 2001.

Service Unavailable

So it seems Blogger have beeen having a few problems.

I keep getting a "Service Unavailable" message. Seems to have gone for now.

Anyway, I've had yet another massive cleanout of stuff, and re-arranged the back bedroom slightly. Now the server is downstairs in the closet, I have much more room up here. It's nice.

Flying out to Antwerp next week for training. Should be either very interesting, or very boring. We shall see...

Anyhow, I've still got a few bits to shove in the attic, eventually going on the car boot.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Car park capers

Now normally I don't complain about other drivers, and this is no exception. It is merely an observation.

I was sat in the queue waiting to turn right into the carpark. A nice bloke in a Mercedes lets me in, then follows me into the car park. A few minutes later, I've found a space, so I reverse in.

I'm in the middle of the shutdown procedure, and Mercedes man pulls up, thinking I'm leaving. Crikey Mavis, you only let me into the carpark two minutes ago. Is your memory really that bad?

I switch off and get out to go to the barbers, and he gives me the glare.

How very rude!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Adobe InDesign

It seems that the powers that be at the office have decided to use Adobe InDesign for doing instruction manuals and the like. It seems to me to be quite a nice program. I have always liked Adobe products. They seem to know what they are doing, and well, they're not Microsoft.

I tried to install the demo version at home, after waiting ages for it to download. Won't install. At all. I've spent half an hour fiddling with it, and have now given up.

Instead, I'm going downstairs to have some chilli con carne thats been cooking all day in the slow cooker.


Message on a Cup

"Sugar free pudding...... Quite the concept, but why? With no sugar in our food... what makes us sweet?"

Amber... I hope you're not on one of those silly diets again...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good day today

I've had a really good day at work today. I seem to have crossed off a lot more things from the to-do list, than things I've added to it.

On the downside, it's more like the calm before the storm. I'm going to Antwerp next week for a training session, and no doubt will come back with some more work. At least it keeps me in a job.

I haven't really had much time in the way of the model railway this week since I spent most of last night, and some of tonight doing some personal stuff.

Still no word from the builder about the rendering. I'll give him a call on Friday. I really wanted it done by the end of August, but I guess the weather has been a bit poopy to do it.

Heyho and on with the show. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?