Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Messages on a Cup

I've decided to carry over the "Message on a Cup" feature from the American Adventures blog. Firstly, because it's something nice, and secondly, Amber promised to send me more messages.

So, without further ado, here are the messages so far..

From 21st July 2010 - "Sometimes I hate my job..... but it hasn't made me want to kill myself or anyone else".

I'm glad you haven't killed yourself, Amber. It would be a tragedy.

From 1st August 2010 - "Mean people suck! We should kill him."

People who are always mean should seriously think about whether they belong in society. I'm guessing Amber has a particular person in mind... I wonder who?

From 21st August 2010 - "You can live to be one hundred if you quit doing the things that won't make you live to be one hundred."

A truer collection of words has never been spoken.

And finally, for now, from the 30th August 2010 - "Bad things happen.... people who need reasons are weak."

If only my boss understands this point.

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