Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Grinding Gears

This particular gear-grinder is probably the most annoying so far...

Pedestrian crossings.

They are too slow. The one in Staveley is so bad, such that when you press the button to cross, does absolutely nothing to stop the traffic until there is no traffic on the road. When the traffic has stopped, the traffic signals change. Unfortunately, by the time this has happened, most folks have already crossed. Utterly pointless. What's worse, for the innocent car driver that just drives up, they now have to wait for no-one to cross, and for the lights to turn green again.

This particular crossing in Staveley also has another annoying trait. A little sensor that detects whether you are stood on the kerb waiting. If it's raining, and a truck is coming, you stand back, so that when the truck hits the pooled water, you don't get soaked. The magic eye senses that you are no longer stood on the kerb, and pretends you haven't pressed the button, and carries on like you're not there.

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