Monday, November 15, 2010

Contact Lenses

I can't remember whether I blogged about it previously or not, but I thought it'd be a good idea to get my eyes checked. Firstly, the glasses I have are about 5 years old, and on the verge of dropping apart, so I needed some new ones anyway, but seeing as though the actual eye tests are free at Tesco, I went and had the full check.

It turns out (unsurprisingly) that my prescription hasn't changed significantly since the glasses were made, so it would appear that things are pretty stable in that department now.

I also enquired about contact lenses. After a couple of appointments (one for an assessment, and another to teach me how to put the lenses in and take them out, I came away with 5 pairs of trial lenses.

First pair went in on Saturday, and everything was fine until I washed the car. The combination of the wind, the spray from the hose, and me was enough to make the right hand one disappear. Not sure where it went, but all of a sudden, it had gone. I had to take the left hand one out, and revert to glasses.

The second pair went in today, and were just fine. All day, no problems at all. I did get a weird sensation as if one was falling out, but it didn't. I guess it'll take a while to get used to them.

All in all, I think I'll get on with them. Might have to invest in a new magnifying mirror though.

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